Cirrus Pro Series aspirating fire detectors provide an ‘active’ detection system that sample air from a given area or fire zone to detect the presence of combustion particles.

Cirrus Pro Series aspirating fire detectors provide an ‘active’ detection system that sample air from a given area or fire zone to detect the presence of combustion particles.
Cirrus Pro Series aspirating fire detectors provide an ‘active’ detection system that sample air from a given area or fire zone to detect the presence of combustion particles.
Combustion particles are transported to the detector via an integral aspirator that continuously draws air from a network of supervised sampling pipes each containing small holes more commonly known as sampling points.Having identified an increase in airborne combustion particle levels this information is presented as a number of staged alarms via the detector display and outputs.
Before smoke there is fire, the new adavanced intelligent CCD (Cloud Chamber Detection) technology combined the benefits of spot, laser, and cloud chamber detection into a single detector, and can detect before smoke. CCD provides paralleled techonology which only detects combustion making it immnue to false alarms from dust, dirt, temperature, and humadity which plague other early warning air sampling and spot detectors. The introduction of CCD technology now allows for an aspiring system to be ultra sensitive while eliminating the nuisance alarms associated with other detection technologies